Sunday, September 12, 2010

We're Pre-Married!

Thanks to all who helped us ring in our 'month to the wedding' countdown in Ohio Labor Day weekend. A very special thanks to the Parents Lepore for all the hard labor! A shout to Becca and Justin, Janice, Elizabeth, and Cindy for bringing delicious pasta sauce, lasagna and desserts... Christina and Carol for donating flowers to make the house extra-beautiful... and to all who got roped into party set-up. Thanks to your help, we managed to throw down Italian-style on Saturday and then turn around and enjoy a classy brunch the very next morning. Are you all still as tired as we are? :)

We must also thank our long distance attendees- many of you traveled for 6 hrs+ to join us, and we are honored that you made so much effort!

A few pictures to remember the weekend by...

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