Sunday, September 12, 2010

Trouble with the registry?

It's come to our attention that folks are having difficulty "checking out" when purchasing a gift from our registry. I believe the site asks for our phone number to confirm the transaction... but I haven't figured out to deactivate this requirement! In the meantime (and thanks for trying!) our phone number is: 206-217-4837.
Sorry for the trouble, and for picking a site that doesn't work. Excited to see you all in 13 days and counting!

Rooms in Seattle confirmed!

Check the 'Visiting Puget Sound' page for details...

We're Pre-Married!

Thanks to all who helped us ring in our 'month to the wedding' countdown in Ohio Labor Day weekend. A very special thanks to the Parents Lepore for all the hard labor! A shout to Becca and Justin, Janice, Elizabeth, and Cindy for bringing delicious pasta sauce, lasagna and desserts... Christina and Carol for donating flowers to make the house extra-beautiful... and to all who got roped into party set-up. Thanks to your help, we managed to throw down Italian-style on Saturday and then turn around and enjoy a classy brunch the very next morning. Are you all still as tired as we are? :)

We must also thank our long distance attendees- many of you traveled for 6 hrs+ to join us, and we are honored that you made so much effort!

A few pictures to remember the weekend by...

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Ohio, Seattle, and Engagement Pages have been updated!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome to our Wedding Blog! We'll be updating as the date approaches, but check back soon for information on how to join us in our celebration.